Submissions from 2011
Take action and seize opportunity, Alison R. Snyder and Kenneth C. Lam
In vitro properties of a listeria monocytogenes bacteriophage-resistant mutant predict its efficacy as a live oral vaccine strain, Patricia A. Spears, M. Mitsu Suyemoto, Terri S. Hamrick, Rebecca L. Wolf, Edward A. Havell, and Paul E. Orndorff
Rotator-cuff muscle-recruitment strategies during shoulder rehabilitation exercises, Kathleen A. Swanik, Kellie Huxel Bliven, and Charles Buz Swanik
Patient willingness to undergo pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic tests in early phase oncology trials, Raoul Tibes, Barbara F. Piper, Jessica A. Smith, Raysenia L. James, Martin A. Benjamin, Jay H. Yim, Ramesh K. Ramanathan, Daniel D. Von Hoff, R. Curtis Bay, and Mitesh J. Borad
Rehabilitation: Return-to-play and in-season guidelines, John M. Tokish, Erick J. Kozlowski, and Kellie Huxel Bliven
National athletic trainers' association position statement: Prevention of pediatric overuse injuries, Tamara C. Valovich McLeod, Laura C. Decoster, Keith J. Loud, Lyle J. Micheli, J. Terry Parker, Michelle A. Sandrey, and Christopher White
Clinical outcomes assessment for the management of sport-related concussion, Tamara C. Valovich McLeod and Johna K. Register-Mihalik
Submissions from 2010
Effects of simulated spectral holes on speech intelligibility and spatial release from masking under binaural and monaural listening, Soha N. Garadat, Ruth Y. Litovsky, Gongqiang Yu, and Fan Gang Zeng
Impact of prior concussions on health-related quality of life in collegiate athletes, Matthew D. Kuehl, Alison R. Snyder, Steven E. Erickson, and Tamara C. Valovich McLeod
Impact of prior concussions on health-related quality of life in collegiate athletes, Matthew D. Kuehl, Alison R. Snyder, Steven E. Erickson, and Tamara C. Valovich McLeod
Cognitive rest: The often neglected aspect of concussion management, Tamara C.Valovich McLeod and Gerard A. Gioia
Expert versus novice interrater reliability and criterion validity of the landing error scoring system, James Onate, Nelson Cortes, Cailee Welch, and Bonnie Van Lunen
A systematic review of dental recall intervals and incidence of dental caries, Seena Patel, R. Curtis Bay, and Michael Glick
Endovenous therapy for deep venous thrombosis: The TORPEDO trial, Mohsen Sharifi, Mahshid Mehdipour, Curt Bay, Gary Smith, and Jalaladdin Sharifi
Health-related quality of life differs between adolescent athletes and adolescent nonathletes, Alison R. Snyder, Jessica C. Martinez, R. Curtis Bay, John T. Parsons, Eric L. Sauers, and Tamara C.Valovich McLeod
The influence of high-voltage electrical stimulation on edema formation after acute injury: A systematic review, Alison R. Snyder, April L. Perotti, Kenneth C. Lam, and R. Curtis Bay
Submissions from 2009
Neutrophil chemokines and their role in IL-18-mediated increase in neutrophil O-2 production and intestinal edema following alcohol intoxication and burn injury, Suhail Akhtar, Xiaoling Li, Irshad H. Chaudry, and Mashkoor A. Choudhry
Adding Gabapentin to a multimodal regimen does not reduce acute pain, opioid consumption or chronic pain after total hip arthroplasty, H. Clarke, S. Pereira, and D. Kennedy
Temporal characteristics of lower extremity moment generation in children with cerebral palsy, Andrea L. Downing, Kathleen J. Ganley, and Deanne R. Fay
Core Stabilization: Integration with Shoulder Rehabilitation, Sue Falsone and Mark Verstegen
Role of binaural hearing in speech intelligibility and spatial release from masking using vocoded speech, Soha N. Garadat, Ruth Y. Litovsky, Gongqiang Yu, and Fan Gang Zeng
Rates of physical activity among appalachian adolescents in Ohio, Brian Hortz, Emily Stevens, Becky Holden, and R. Lingyak Petosa
Wholistic wellness and exercise among adolescents, R. L. Petosa and Brian V. Hortz
Caring for student-athletes following a concussion, Sarah K. Piebes, Meganne Gourley, and Tamara C.Valovich McLeod
The value of various assessment techniques in detecting the effects of concussion on cognition, symptoms, and postural control, Tamara C. Valovich McLeod
Balance improvements in female high school basketball players after a 6-week neuromuscular-training program, Tamara C. Valovich McLeod, Travis Armstrong, Mathew Miller, and Jamie L. Sauers
Recent injury and health-related quality of life in adolescent athletes, Tamara C. Valovich McLeod, R. Curtis Bay, John T. Parsons, Eric L. Sauers, and Alison R. Snyder
Manual therapy, exercise, and traction for patients with cervical radiculopathy: A randomized clinical trial, Ian A. Young, Lori A. Michener, Joshua A. Cleland, Arnold J. Aguilera, and Alison R. Snyder
Submissions from 2008
Summary statement: Appropriate medical care for the secondary school-aged athlete, Jon Almquist, Tamara C. Valovich McLeod, Angela Cavanna, Dave Jenkinson, Andrew E. Lincoln, Keith Loud, Bart C. Peterson, Craig Portwood, John Reynolds, and Thomas S. Woods
Dental education from the students' perspective: curriculum and climate., Wes R. Cardall, R. Chad Rowan, and Curt Bay
Social cognitive theory variables mediation of moderate exercise, Brian Hortz and R. Lingyak Petosa
Long-term pain response and quality of life in patients with typical trigeminal neuralgia treated with gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery, Andrew S. Little, Andrew G. Shetter, Mary E. Shetter, Curt Bay, and C. Leland Rogers
Healthy youth are reliable in reporting symptoms on a graded symptom scale, Brandy J. Mailer, Tamara C.Valovich McLeod, and R. Curtis Bay
The effectiveness of balance training programs on reducing the incidence of ankle sprains in adolescent athletes, Tamara C.Valovich McLeod
Using disablement models and clinical outcomes assessment to enable evidence-based athletic training practice, part II: Clinical outcomes assessment, Tamara C.Valovich McLeod, Alison R. Snyder, John T. Parsons, R. Curtis Bay, Lori A. Michener, and Eric L. Sauers
Timing of neuromuscular activation of the quadriceps and hamstrings prior to landing in high school male athletes, female athletes, and female non-athletes, Jennifer M. Medina, Tamara C. Valovich McLeod, Suzanne K. Howell, and Jackie J. Kingma
Evaluation of Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Shoulder Pain: Are We Doing the Best We Can?, Lori A. Michener and Alison R. Snyder
Change is hard: Adopting a disablement model for athletic training, John T. Parsons, Tamara C.Valovich McLeod, Alison R. Snyder, and Eric L. Sauers
The use of eidronate disodium in the prevention of heterotopic ossification in burn patients, David M. Shafer, Curt Bay, Daniel M. Caruso, and Kevin N. Foster
Using disablement models and clinical outcomes assessment to enable evidence-based athletic training practice, part I: Disablement models, Alison R. Snyder, John T. Parsons, Tamara C. Valovich McLeod, R. Curtis Bay, Lori A. Michener, and Eric L. Sauers
Identification of sport and recreational activity concussion history through the preparticipation screening and a symptom survey in young athletes, Tamara C. Valovich McLeod, R. Curtis Bay, John Heil, and Scott D. McVeigh
Critically appraised papers and topics part 1: Use in clinical practice, Cailee E. Welch, Mariel K. Yakuboff, and Meredith J. Madden
Critically appraised papers and topics part 2: How to read and interpret a CAP, Cailee E. Welch, Mariel K. Yakuboff, and Meredith J. Madden
Submissions from 2007
Prevalence of risk factors for hepatitis C virus in HIV-infected and HIV/hepatitis C virus-coinfected patients, Srigayatri Bollepalli, Kathleen Mathieson, Curt Bay, Amy Hillier, John Post, David H. Van Thiel, and Abdul Nadir
Asymptomatic bacteriuria and intimate partner violence in pregnant women, Dean V. Coonrod, R. Curtis Bay, Terry E. Mills, and Sherry L. Gamble
Speech intelligibility in free field: Spatial unmasking in preschool children, Soha N. Garadat and Ruth Y. Litovsky
Guidelines for treatment of sport-related concussions., Chad Martineau, Jackie J. Kingma, Laura Bank, and Tamara C.Valovich McLeod
Thermal injury in patients with seizure disorders: An opportunity for prevention, Ruth B. Rimmer, R. Curtis R. Bay, Kevin N. Foster, Melanie A. Jones, Michelle Wadsworth, Collette Lessard, Kathleen Mathieson, and Daniel M. Caruso
Impact of a pediatric residential burn camp experience on burn survivors' perceptions of self and attitudes regarding the camp community, Ruth B. Rimmer, Gilbert M. Fornaciari, Kevin N. Foster, Curtis R. Bay, Michelle M. Wadsworth, MacDonald Wood, and Daniel M. Caruso
The reported effects of bullying on burn-surviving children, Ruth B. Rimmer, Kevin N. Foster, Curtis R. Bay, Jim Floros, Cindy Rutter, Jim Bosch, Michelle M. Wadsworth, and Daniel M. Caruso
Fauls stretching routine produces acute gains in throwing shoulder mobility in collegiate baseball players, Eric Sauers, Anna August, and Alison Snyder
Selecting patient-based outcome measures, Alison R. Snyder and Tamara C. Valovich McLeod
Review for librarians of evidence-based practice in nursing and the allied health professions in the United States, Elizabeth M. Tweed, Eric L. Sauers, Tamara C.Valovich McLeod, Ruiling Guo, Henry Trahan, Kristine M. Alpi, Beth Hill, Pamela Sherwill-Navarro, Margaret Allen, Priscilla L. Stephenson, Linda M. Hartman, Judy Burnham, Dennis Fell, Michael Kronenfeld, Raymond Pavlick, Ellen W. MacNaughton, Barbara Nail-Chiwetalu, and Nan Bernstein Ratner
Sport-related concussion misunderstandings among youth coaches, Tamara C. Valovich McLeod, Christian Schwartz, and R. Curtis Bay
Submissions from 2006
Postural control deficits in participants with functional ankle instability as measured by the balance error scoring system, Carrie L. Docherty, Tamara C. Valovich McLeod, and Sandra J. Shultz
Research based recommendations on management of sport related concussion: Summary of the National Athletic Trainers' Association position statement, K. M. Guskiewicz, S. L. Bruce, R. C. Cantu, M. S. Ferrara, J. P. Kelly, M. McCrea, M. Putukian, and T. C.Valovich McLeod
Research on somatic dysfunction, Deborah M. Heath and Norman Gevitz
Efficacy of omega-3 fatty acids in children and adults with IgA nephropathy is dosage- and size-dependent., Ronald J. Hogg, Lisa Fitzgibbons, Carolyn Atkins, Nancy Nardelli, and R. Curtis Bay
Impact of the "Planning to be Active" Leisure Time Physical Exercise Program on Rural High School Students, Brian Hortz and Rick Petosa
Boehler's angle and the critical angle of Gissane are of limited use in diagnosing calcaneus fractures in the ED, Jason R. Knight, Eric A. Gross, Gail H. Bradley, Curt Bay, and Frank LoVecchio
Survey of attitudes regarding natural family planning in an urban Hispanic population, Clinton J. Leonard, William Chavira, Dean V. Coonrod, Kim Ward Hart, and R. Curtis Bay
The impact of stretching on sports-injury risk and performance, Alison R. Snyder, Tamara Valovich McLeod, and Anna J. Hartman
Contact sport concussion incidence, Beth A. Tommasone and Tamara C.Valovich McLeod
Psychometric and measurement properties of concussion assessment tools in youth sports, Tamara C. Valovich McLeod, William B. Barr, Michael McCrea, and Kevin M. Guskiewicz
A changing paradigm, Andrew P. Winterstein and Tim McGuine
Art and athletic training: Taking your lab to the campus museum, Andrew P. Winterstein and Rebecca Nelson
Submissions from 2005
The tyrosine kinase Pyk2 promotes migration and invasion of glioma cells, Christopher A. Lipinski, Nhan L. Tran, Emmanuel Menashi, Carole Rohl, Jean Kloss, R. Curtis Bay, Michael E. Berens, and Joseph C. Loftus
The prediction of intracranial injury after minor head trauma in the pediatric population, Tamara C.Valovich McLeod
Routine history as compared to audio computer-assisted self-interview for prenatal care history taking, Molly Mears, Dean V. Coonrod, R. Curtis Bay, Terry E. Mills, and Michelle C. Watkins
Use of home visit and developmental clinic services by high risk Mexican-American and White Non-Hispanic infants, Patricia D. Moore, R. Curtis Bay, Hector Balcazar, Dean V. Coonrod, Jane Brady, and Robert Russ
Social cognitive theory variables associated with physical activity among high school students, Rick L. Petosa, B. V. Hortz, C. E. Cardina, and R. R. Suminski
Low levels of anterior tibial loading enhance knee extensor reflex response characteristics, Sandra J. Shultz, Thomas C. Windley, Anthony S. Kulas, Randy J. Schmitz, Tamara C. Valovich McLeod, and David H. Perrin
Breast cancer in Native American women treated at an urban-based indian health referral center 1982-2003, Laura Tillman, Shannon Myers, Barbara Pockaj, Charles Perry, R. Curtis Bay, and Mazin Al-kasspooles
Proper fit and maintenance of ice-hockey helmets, Tamara C. Valovich McLeod
Submissions from 2004
Tools for Creating E-Learning: Learning Objects, Scott Barker, Andrew P. Winterstein, Kenneth E. Wright, and Vivian H. Wright
Ethnicity, Acculturation and Obstetric Outcomes: Different Risk Factor Profiles in Low- and High-Acculturation Hispanics and in White Non-Hispanics, Dean V. Coonrod, R. Curtis Bay, and Hector Balcazar
Reliability and validity of the Biodex system 3 pro isokinetic dynamometer velocity, torque and position measurements, Joshua M. Drouin, Tamara C. Valovich-McLeod, Sandra J. Shultz, Bruce M. Gansneder, and David H. Perrin
National Athletic Trainers' Association position statement: Management of sport-related conclussion, Kevin M. Guskiewicz, Scott L. Bruce, Robert C. Cantu, Michael S. Ferrara, James P. Kelly, Michael McCrea, Margot Putukian, and Tamara C. Valovich McLeod
Recommendations on management of sport-related concussion: Summary of the national athletic trainers' association position statement, Kevin M. Guskiewicz, Scott L. Bruce, Robert C. Cantu, Michael S. Ferrara, James P. Kelly, Michael McCrea, Margot Putukian, Tamara C. Valovich McLeod, Robert C. Cantu, and Michael L.J. Apuzzo
Serial administration of clinical concussion assessments and learning effects in healthy young athletes, Tamara C.Valovich McLeod, David H. Perrin, Kevin M. Guskiewicz, Sandra J. Shultz, Robert Diamond, and Bruce M. Gansneder
Childhood Vestibular Disorders: A Tutorial, Zarin Mehta and Daria B. Stakiw
Medical Student Training in Domestic Violence: A Comparison of Students Entering Residency Training in 1995 and 2001, Alex W. Miller, Dean V. Coonrod, M. Jane Brady, Maricela P. Moffitt, and R. Curtis Bay
Balance recovers within 20 minutes after exertion as measured by the balance error scoring system, Thomas W. Susco, Tamara C. Valovich McLeod, Bruce M. Gansneder, and Sandra J. Shultz
Performance on the Balance Error Scoring System decreases after fatigue, Joseph C. Wilkins, Tamara C.Valovich McLeod, David H. Perrin, and Bruce M. Gansneder
Screening for domestic violence: Practice patterns, knowledge, and attitudes of physicians in Arizona, Kelli J. Williamson, Dean V. Coonrod, R. Curtis Bay, M. Jane Brady, Anu Partap, and Wauneta Lone Wolf
Submissions from 2003
Motor vehicle crash fatalities by race/ethnicity in Arizona, 1990-96, Doug Campos-Outcalt, C. Bay, A. Dellapena, and M. K. Cota
Knowledge regarding preconceptional folic acid use in a Mexican-American patient population, Patricia J. Habak, Dean V. Coonrod, M. Jane Brady, R. Curtis Bay, and Terry E. Mills
Differential role of proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 and focal adhesion kinase in determining glioblastoma migration and proliferation, Christopher A. Lipinski, Nhan L. Tran, Curtis Bay, Jean Kloss, Wendy S. McDonough, Christian Beaudry, Michael E. Berens, and Joseph C. Loftus
Searching for universals: Preliminary evidence for the validity of substance abuse subtypes in a sample of Mexican American youths, José M. Peña, Joan D. Koss-Chioino, and Curt Bay
Predicting vigorous physical activity using social cognitive theory, R. Lingyak Petosa, Rick Suminski, and Brian Hortz
Characteristics predictive of response to ovarian diathermy in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome, Barbara J. Stegmann, H. Randall Craig, R. Curtis Bay, Dean V. Coonrod, M. Jane Brady, and John A. Garbaciak
Repeat administration elicits a practice effect with the Balance Error Scoring System but not with the Standardized Assessment of Concussion in high school athletes, Tamara C. Valovich, David H. Perrin, and Bruce M. Gansneder
Submissions from 2002
Pedestrian fatalities by race/ethnicity in Arizona, 1990-1996, Doug Campos-Outcalt, Curt Bay, Alan Dellapenna, and Marya K. Cota
One-arm hop test: Reliability and effects of arm dominance, Susan A. Falsone, Michael T. Gross, Kevin M. Guskiewicz, and Robert A. Schneider
Removal tools are faster and produce less force and torque on the helmet than cutting tools during face-mask retraction, Heather L. Jenkins, Tamara C. Valovich, Brent L. Arnold, and Bruce M. Gansneder
Submissions from 2001
Hispanic and Anglo Patients’ Reported Use of Alternative Medicine in the Medical Clinic Context, Michele B. Lundy, Laura L. Morgan, Kelton V.L. Rhoads, and R. Curtis Bay
Herbal Supplements: Considerations for the Athletic Trainer, Andrew P. Winterstein and Cordial M. Storrs
Submissions from 2000
A randomized controlled study of brief interventions to teach residents about domestic violence, Dean V. Coonrod, R. Curtis Bay, Beverly D. Rowley, Nancy B. Del Mar, Laura Gabriele, Terrie D. Tessman, and Linda R. Chambliss
Effects of protective knee bracing on speed and agility, David L. Greene, Karl R. Hamson, R. Curtis Bay, and Chris D. Bryce