Publication Ethics Statement
Intellectus accepts manuscripts for consideration with the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere in print or online and that they are not simultaneously under consideration by any other print or electronic publication.
Because the Intellectus’s volunteer peer reviewers invest a considerable amount of time in the peer review process, manuscripts cannot be resubmitted/edited after the submission period has passed. If manuscript needs to be withdrawn, authors must notify staff as soon as possible.
Before submitting, please consider the ethical guidelines pertaining to your particular article type. Specifically, we require the following:
Original Articles
- Financial disclosures, including all relevant financial interests, activities, relationships, and affiliations, not just those related to the research described in your manuscript
- Funding/support information, including a detailed description of the role of the funder in conducting the research and submitting it for publication, as well as a general description of how the funds were distributed (eg, patient compensation, protected faculty time, equipment)
- Information about collection of informed consent
- Institutional review board approval (including a case number, where available)
- Clinical trial registry
- Patient flow diagram (ie, CONSORT)
Literature Reviews
Any article found to have self-plagiarized content will be rejected; likewise, any article that contains ‘salami sliced‘ data may be rejected outright. (referenced from Elsevier)
Please also take great care in your manuscript to adhere to the following guidelines about reporting racial/ethnic methodology and results.
This Ethics Statement has been adapted and modified from the Journal of Osteopathic Medicine.