Submissions from 2023
The effect of wearing face mask on speech intelligibility in listeners with sensorineural hearing loss and normal hearing sensitivity, Ana’am Alkharabsheh, Ola Aboudi, Khader Abdulbaqi, Soha Garadat, Farid Alzhrani, Abdulrahman Alsanosi, and Abdulrahman Hagr
Psychometric properties of the Arabic version of the meaningful use of speech scale (Arabic MUSS), Nihad A. Almasri and Soha N. Garadat
Development and Beta Testing of Serious Game-Based Auditory Training Application to Enhance Perceptual Learning of Speech in Cochlear Implant Recipients, Soha N. Garadat
Translation, adaptation, and validation of the Arabic version of the meaningful auditory integration scale, Soha N. Garadat and Nihad A. Almasri
Student Perceptions of Learning Clinical Masking in Audiology: An Exploratory Survey Study, Kimberly Skinner, Danica Billingsly, and Quincy Conleyc
Submissions from 2022
Estimating health of the implanted cochlea using psychophysical strength-duration functions and electrode configuration, Soha N. Garadat, Deborah J. Colesa, Donald L. Swiderski, Yehoash Raphael, and Soha N. Garadat
Correlation between Sway Balance and the Modified Balance Error Scoring System, Gary McKinney, Jeffrey L. Alexander, and Elton Bordenave
Audiology, an Important Contributor to Interprofessional Holistic Care: An Interprofessional Collaborative Case Example, Kimberly Skinner, Barbara Maxwell, Amanda Baskerville, and Jovan Milanović
Bilateral Cochlear Implantations in Temporal Bone Fracture: A Viable Treatment Option, Medhat F. Yousef, Rami Theyab, Soha N. Garadat, Abdulrahman Hagr, and Abdulrahman Abdullah Hagr
Submissions from 2021
Cognitive functioning in Deaf children using Cochlear implants, Fidaa Almomani, Murad O. Al-momani, Soha Garadat, and Safa Alqudah
Pediatric Arabic Closed-Set Word-Recognition Test: Development and Evaluation of Psychometric Characteristics, Soha N. Garadat, Ana'Am Alkharabsheh, Nihad A. Almasri, Abdulrahman Hagr, Abdulrahman Hagr, and Soha N. Garadat
Audiologic outcome of cochlear implantation in children with cochlear nerve deficiency, Medhat Yousef, Tamer A. Mesallam, Soha N. Garadat, Ayna Almasaad, Abdulrahman Hagr, and Soha N. Garadat
Submissions from 2020
Vestibular Lab Testing: Interpreting the Results in the Headache Patient with Dizziness, Tommy L.H. Chan, Troy D. Hale, and Kristen K. Steenerson
Neurodegenerative Diseases and the Auditory-Vestibular System, Zarin Mehta, Troy Hale, Raechal McMillan, Gabriel Sudaj, Kelly Pullman, and Gail Belus
Effectiveness of a Matter of Balance Program Within an Assisted Living Community, Lori Reynolds, Brandi L. Buchanan, Jeffrey L. Alexander, and Elton Bordenave
Submissions from 2019
Categories of auditory performance and speech intelligibility ratings in prelingually deaf children with bilateral implantation, Yasser Albalawi, Mohamad Nidami, Fida Almohawas, Abdulrahman Hagr, and Fida A. Almuhawas
Cochlear Implantation in Children with Otitis Media, Farid Alzhrani, Mohammed Saeed Alahmari, Ibrahim Khalid Al Jabr, Soha N. Garadat, Yousef Al Ohali, Najwa Al Ghamdi, Abeer Al Nafjan, Ayna Al Masaad, and Sara Al Hamid
Clinical Effectiveness of an At-Home Auditory Training Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Larry E. Humes, Kimberly G. Skinner, Dana L. Kinney, Sara E. Rogers, Anna K. Main, and Tera M. Quigley
Assisting Veterans with mTBI/PTSD, Zarin Mehta, Taryn Thorstad, and Troy Hale
Submissions from 2017
The use of an illuminated retractor in cochlear implantation: A comparative retrospective study, Eman Alrashidi, Fida Abdulaziz Almuhawas, Abdulrahman Hagr, and Soha Garadat
Effectiveness of stapedotomy in improving hearing sensitivity for 53 otosclerotic patients: retrospective review, Farid Alzhrani, Mohammad M. Mokhatrish, Murad O. Al-Momani, and Hassan Alshehri
The development of the University of Jordan word recognition test, Soha N. Garadat, Khader J. Abdulbaqi, and Maisa A. Haj-Tas
Audiometric testing with pulsed, steady, and warble tones in listeners with tinnitus and hearing loss, Jennifer J. Lentz, Matthew A. Walker, Ciara E. Short, and Kimberly G. Skinner
Submissions from 2016
The effect of the Arabic computer rehabilitation program "Rannan" on sound detection and discrimination in children with cochlear implants, Abdulrahman Hagr, Soha N. Garadat, Sabah M. Hassan, Khalid Malki, Gary L. Jones, Soha N. Garadat, Smita Agrawal, Alan Kan, Ann Todd, Christi Hess, and Sara Misurelli
Submissions from 2015
Feasibility of one-day activation in cochlear implant recipients, Abdulrahman Hagr, Soha N. Garadat, Murad Al-Momani, and Rabea M. Alsabellha
Importance of cochlear health for implant function, Bryan E. Pfingst, Ning Zhou, Deborah J. Colesa, Melissa M. Watts, Yehoash Raphael, Seiji B. Shibata, Stefan B. Strahl, Gina L. Su, and Ning Zhou
Submissions from 2014
Cochlear implant device activation and programming: 5 days postimplantation, Rabea M. Alsabellha, Abdulrahman Hagr, Murad O. Al-Momani, and Soha N. Garadat
Evaluation of the patient with dizziness and balance disorders, Troy Hale, Henry Trahan, and Tabitha Parent-Buck
Submissions from 2013
Using temporal modulation sensitivity to select stimulation sites for processor maps in cochlear implant listeners, Soha N. Garadat, Teresa A. Zwolan, and Bryan E. Pfingst
ADA invites profession to experience 'great transformations' at annual convention, Nancy N. Green and Tricia Dabrowski
Submissions from 2012
Across-site patterns of modulation detection: Relation to speech recognition, Soha N. Garadat, Teresa A. Zwolan, and Bryan E. Pfingst
Studies on bilateral cochlear implants at the University of Wisconsin's binaural hearing and speech laboratory, Ruth Y. Litovsky, Matthew J. Goupell, Shelly Godar, and Tina Grieco-Calub
Submissions from 2011
Relationship between gap detection thresholds and loudness in cochlear-implant users, Soha N. Garadat and Bryan E. Pfingst
Cochlear infrastructure for electrical hearing, Bryan E. Pfingst, Sara A. Bowling, Deborah J. Colesa, and Soha N. Garadat
Submissions from 2010
Effects of simulated spectral holes on speech intelligibility and spatial release from masking under binaural and monaural listening, Soha N. Garadat, Ruth Y. Litovsky, Gongqiang Yu, and Fan Gang Zeng
Submissions from 2009
Role of binaural hearing in speech intelligibility and spatial release from masking using vocoded speech, Soha N. Garadat, Ruth Y. Litovsky, Gongqiang Yu, and Fan Gang Zeng
Submissions from 2007
Speech intelligibility in free field: Spatial unmasking in preschool children, Soha N. Garadat and Ruth Y. Litovsky
Submissions from 2004
Childhood Vestibular Disorders: A Tutorial, Zarin Mehta and Daria B. Stakiw