Evaluating attitudes toward soft drink consumption among adults in Saudi Arabia: Five years after selective taxation implementation

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Preventive Medicine Reports


Objective: Saudi Arabia (SA) ranked first in soft drink consumption in the Middle East. A decrease in consumption was recorded after a selective 50% increased taxation policy in 2018. This study aimed to assess soft drinks consumption patterns among Saudi Arabian adults and examine the association between different attitudes and patterns post-taxation. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted from October 2022 to March 2023, involving 1,935 Saudi adults aged 20–60 residing in Saudi Arabia. Participants completed online surveys using a validated questionnaire assessing sociodemographic characteristics, soft drink consumption patterns, and attitudes toward soft drinks. Chi-square and odds ratio (OR) tests were used to assess associations between sociodemographic characteristics, soft drink consumption frequency/quantity, and change in consumption patterns owing to selective taxation. Additionally, t-tests, Spearman's coefficient, and hierarchical multiple linear regression were used to measure differences in attitudes and linear relationships. Results: Overall, 7.5% of the participants reported daily soft drink consumption, with 51.8% of these consuming less than one can per day and 41.2% consuming one can per day. Most (66.2%) reported no change in consumption post-taxation. Attitudes toward soft drink consumption varied significantly, with most agreeing on its health risks but also enjoying the drinks. Multiple regression analysis identified age, education, income, consumption frequency/quantity, and impact of taxation as significant predictors of overall attitudes toward soft drinks. Conclusions: After taxation, 20% of participants reduced soft drink consumption, underscoring the importance of addressing taxation and intrinsic motivations to foster lasting changes in attitudes and behaviors towards soft drinks.



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