
Submissions from 2014

Safe-dose thrombolysis plus rivaroxaban for moderate and severe pulmonary embolism: Drip, drug, and discharge, Mohsen Sharifi, Curt Bay, Frederic Schwartz, and Laura Skrocki

Submissions from 2013

The influence of training and mental skills preparation on injury incidence and performance in marathon runners, Karrie L. Hamstra-Wright, John E. Coumbe-Lilley, Hajwa Kim, Jose A. McFarland, and Kellie C.Huxel Bliven

The home stroke rehabilitation and monitoring system trial: A randomized controlled trial, Susan M. Linder, Anson B. Rosenfeldt, Aimee Reiss, Sharon Buchanan, Komal Sahu, Curtis R. Bay, Steven L. Wolf, and Jay L. Alberts

Catheter-directed thrombolysis with argatroban and tPA for massive iliac and femoropopliteal vein thrombosis, Mohsen Sharifi, Curt Bay, Sasan Nowroozi, Suzanne Bentz, Gayle Valeros, and Sara Memari

Moderate pulmonary embolism treated with thrombolysis (from the "mOPETT" Trial), Mohsen Sharifi, Curt Bay, Laura Skrocki, Farnoosh Rahimi, and Mahshid Mehdipour

Submissions from 2012

Effectiveness of external-rotation immobilization after initial shoulder dislocation in reducing recurrence rates, Kellie Huxel Bliven and Karrie L. Hamstra-Wright

Effective exercises for targeting the Gluteus medius, Karrie L. Hamstra-Wright and Kellie Huxel Bliven

Burn-injured adolescents report gaining multiple developmental benefits and improved life skills as a result of burn camp attendance, Ruth Brubaker Rimmer, Melissa S. Pressman, Oliver P. Takach, R. Curtis Bay, Renee Croteau, Linda D. Hansen, Kevin N. Foster, and Daniel M. Caruso

Thrombus obliteration by rapid percutaneous endovenous intervention in deep venous occlusion (TORPEDO) trial: Midterm results, Mohsen Sharifi, Curt Bay, Mahshid Mehdipour, and Jalaladdin Sharifi

Role of IVC filters in endovenous therapy for deep venous thrombosis: The FILTER-PEVI (filter implantation to lower thromboembolic risk in percutaneous endovenous intervention) trial, Mohsen Sharifi, Curt Bay, Laura Skrocki, David Lawson, and Shahnaz Mazdeh

Serum oxylipin profiles in IgA nephropathy patients reflect kidney functional alterations, Angela M. Zivkovic, Jun Yang, Katrin Georgi, Christine Hegedus, Malin L. Nording, Aifric O'Sullivan, J. Bruce German, Ronald J. Hogg, Robert H. Weiss, Curt Bay, and Bruce D. Hammock

Submissions from 2011

Clinical outcomes assessment in sport rehabilitation, Todd A. Evans and Kenneth C. Lam

Effect of anticoagulation on endothermal ablation of the great saphenous vein, Mohsen Sharifi, Mahshid Mehdipour, Curt Bay, Farnaz Emrani, and Jalaladdin Sharifi

Rotator-cuff muscle-recruitment strategies during shoulder rehabilitation exercises, Kathleen A. Swanik, Kellie Huxel Bliven, and Charles Buz Swanik

Patient willingness to undergo pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic tests in early phase oncology trials, Raoul Tibes, Barbara F. Piper, Jessica A. Smith, Raysenia L. James, Martin A. Benjamin, Jay H. Yim, Ramesh K. Ramanathan, Daniel D. Von Hoff, R. Curtis Bay, and Mitesh J. Borad

Rehabilitation: Return-to-play and in-season guidelines, John M. Tokish, Erick J. Kozlowski, and Kellie Huxel Bliven

Submissions from 2010

A systematic review of dental recall intervals and incidence of dental caries, Seena Patel, R. Curtis Bay, and Michael Glick

Endovenous therapy for deep venous thrombosis: The TORPEDO trial, Mohsen Sharifi, Mahshid Mehdipour, Curt Bay, Gary Smith, and Jalaladdin Sharifi

The influence of high-voltage electrical stimulation on edema formation after acute injury: A systematic review, Alison R. Snyder, April L. Perotti, Kenneth C. Lam, and R. Curtis Bay

Submissions from 2008

Dental education from the students' perspective: curriculum and climate., Wes R. Cardall, R. Chad Rowan, and Curt Bay

Long-term pain response and quality of life in patients with typical trigeminal neuralgia treated with gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery, Andrew S. Little, Andrew G. Shetter, Mary E. Shetter, Curt Bay, and C. Leland Rogers

The use of eidronate disodium in the prevention of heterotopic ossification in burn patients, David M. Shafer, Curt Bay, Daniel M. Caruso, and Kevin N. Foster

Submissions from 2007

Prevalence of risk factors for hepatitis C virus in HIV-infected and HIV/hepatitis C virus-coinfected patients, Srigayatri Bollepalli, Kathleen Mathieson, Curt Bay, Amy Hillier, John Post, David H. Van Thiel, and Abdul Nadir

Asymptomatic bacteriuria and intimate partner violence in pregnant women, Dean V. Coonrod, R. Curtis Bay, Terry E. Mills, and Sherry L. Gamble

Thermal injury in patients with seizure disorders: An opportunity for prevention, Ruth B. Rimmer, R. Curtis R. Bay, Kevin N. Foster, Melanie A. Jones, Michelle Wadsworth, Collette Lessard, Kathleen Mathieson, and Daniel M. Caruso

Impact of a pediatric residential burn camp experience on burn survivors' perceptions of self and attitudes regarding the camp community, Ruth B. Rimmer, Gilbert M. Fornaciari, Kevin N. Foster, Curtis R. Bay, Michelle M. Wadsworth, MacDonald Wood, and Daniel M. Caruso

The reported effects of bullying on burn-surviving children, Ruth B. Rimmer, Kevin N. Foster, Curtis R. Bay, Jim Floros, Cindy Rutter, Jim Bosch, Michelle M. Wadsworth, and Daniel M. Caruso

Submissions from 2006

Reply, Dean Coonrod, Susan Morton-Pradhan, and R. Curtis Bay

Reply, Kim A. Gerten, Dean V. Coonrod, R. Curtis Bay, and Linda R. Chambliss

Efficacy of omega-3 fatty acids in children and adults with IgA nephropathy is dosage- and size-dependent., Ronald J. Hogg, Lisa Fitzgibbons, Carolyn Atkins, Nancy Nardelli, and R. Curtis Bay

Boehler's angle and the critical angle of Gissane are of limited use in diagnosing calcaneus fractures in the ED, Jason R. Knight, Eric A. Gross, Gail H. Bradley, Curt Bay, and Frank LoVecchio

Survey of attitudes regarding natural family planning in an urban Hispanic population, Clinton J. Leonard, William Chavira, Dean V. Coonrod, Kim Ward Hart, and R. Curtis Bay

Submissions from 2005

Cesarean delivery and respiratory distress syndrome: Does labor make a difference?, Kim A. Gerten, Dean V. Coonrod, R. Curtis Bay, and Linda R. Chambliss

Big infants in the neonatal intensive care unit, Julia R. Gillean, Dean V. Coonrod, Robert Russ, R. Curtis Bay, Thomas Murphy Goodwin, Julian Parer, Martin Schwartz, Aaron Caughey, and Tina Tomsen

The tyrosine kinase Pyk2 promotes migration and invasion of glioma cells, Christopher A. Lipinski, Nhan L. Tran, Emmanuel Menashi, Carole Rohl, Jean Kloss, R. Curtis Bay, Michael E. Berens, and Joseph C. Loftus

Routine history as compared to audio computer-assisted self-interview for prenatal care history taking, Molly Mears, Dean V. Coonrod, R. Curtis Bay, Terry E. Mills, and Michelle C. Watkins

Use of home visit and developmental clinic services by high risk Mexican-American and White Non-Hispanic infants, Patricia D. Moore, R. Curtis Bay, Hector Balcazar, Dean V. Coonrod, Jane Brady, and Robert Russ

Birth rate and its correlation with the lunar cycle and specific atmospheric conditions, Susan Morton-Pradhan, R. Curtis Bay, and Dean V. Coonrod

Breast cancer in Native American women treated at an urban-based indian health referral center 1982-2003, Laura Tillman, Shannon Myers, Barbara Pockaj, Charles Perry, R. Curtis Bay, and Mazin Al-kasspooles

Submissions from 2004

Ethnicity, Acculturation and Obstetric Outcomes: Different Risk Factor Profiles in Low- and High-Acculturation Hispanics and in White Non-Hispanics, Dean V. Coonrod, R. Curtis Bay, and Hector Balcazar

TIPS versus paracentesis for the treatment of refractory ascites [3] (multiple letters), Albert Lau, Curt Bay, Abdul Nadir, Francesco Salerno, and Massimo Cazzaniga

Medical Student Training in Domestic Violence: A Comparison of Students Entering Residency Training in 1995 and 2001, Alex W. Miller, Dean V. Coonrod, M. Jane Brady, Maricela P. Moffitt, and R. Curtis Bay

Screening for domestic violence: Practice patterns, knowledge, and attitudes of physicians in Arizona, Kelli J. Williamson, Dean V. Coonrod, R. Curtis Bay, M. Jane Brady, Anu Partap, and Wauneta Lone Wolf

Submissions from 2003

Motor vehicle crash fatalities by race/ethnicity in Arizona, 1990-96, Doug Campos-Outcalt, C. Bay, A. Dellapena, and M. K. Cota

Knowledge regarding preconceptional folic acid use in a Mexican-American patient population, Patricia J. Habak, Dean V. Coonrod, M. Jane Brady, R. Curtis Bay, and Terry E. Mills

Differential role of proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 and focal adhesion kinase in determining glioblastoma migration and proliferation, Christopher A. Lipinski, Nhan L. Tran, Curtis Bay, Jean Kloss, Wendy S. McDonough, Christian Beaudry, Michael E. Berens, and Joseph C. Loftus

Searching for universals: Preliminary evidence for the validity of substance abuse subtypes in a sample of Mexican American youths, José M. Peña, Joan D. Koss-Chioino, and Curt Bay

Characteristics predictive of response to ovarian diathermy in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome, Barbara J. Stegmann, H. Randall Craig, R. Curtis Bay, Dean V. Coonrod, M. Jane Brady, and John A. Garbaciak

Submissions from 2002

Pedestrian fatalities by race/ethnicity in Arizona, 1990-1996, Doug Campos-Outcalt, Curt Bay, Alan Dellapenna, and Marya K. Cota

Submissions from 2001

Hispanic and Anglo Patients’ Reported Use of Alternative Medicine in the Medical Clinic Context, Michele B. Lundy, Laura L. Morgan, Kelton V.L. Rhoads, and R. Curtis Bay

Submissions from 2000

A randomized controlled study of brief interventions to teach residents about domestic violence, Dean V. Coonrod, R. Curtis Bay, Beverly D. Rowley, Nancy B. Del Mar, Laura Gabriele, Terrie D. Tessman, and Linda R. Chambliss

Effects of protective knee bracing on speed and agility, David L. Greene, Karl R. Hamson, R. Curtis Bay, and Chris D. Bryce

Can professional values be taught? A look at residency training, Beverley D. Rowley, De Witt C. Baldwin, R. Curtis Bay, Marco Cannula, and Wilton H. Bunch

Professionalism and professional values in orthopaedics, Beverley D. Rowley, De Witt C. Baldwin, R. Curtis Bay, Robert R. Karpman, and Wilton H. Bunch

Submissions from 1999

Phenylephrine hydrochloride nose drops in adjunctive treatment of respiratory syncytial virus infection, L. A. Campbell, E. Batra, C. Bay, and P. S. Bergeson

Submissions from 1998

The use of albuterol in hospitalized infants with bronchiolitis, Joseph V. Dobson, Susan M. Stephens-Groff, Shawn R. McMahon, Margaret M. Stemmler, Susan L. Brailler, and Curtis Bay

Carbon dioxide dynamics during apneic oxygenation: The effects of preceding hypocapnia, Brenda A. Gentz, Robert C. Shupak, Shashi B. Bhatt, and Curtis Bay

The Uncertain Diagnosis, Mark Patton, Bruce Packer, Susan Stephens-Groff, Curt Bay, Robert Hopkin, and Paul S. Bergeson

Choosing the best abdominal closure by meta-analysis, Dennis E. Weiland, R. Curtis Bay, and Susan Del Sordi

Submissions from 1997

Analgesia for emergency centers' orthopaedic patients: Does an ethnic bias exist?, Robert Karpman, Nancy Del Mar, and Curtis Bay

Parents can dose liquid medication accurately, Shawn R. McMahon, Mary E. Rimsza, and R. Curtis Bay

Laser doppler evaluation of burned hands predicts need for surgical grafting, William R. Schiller, Robin L. Garren, R. Curtis Bay, Mary H. Ruddell, G. A. Holloway, Atef Mohty, and Claude A. Luekens

Using delta/DRG diagrams and decision tree analysis to select a cost-effective surgery for cholecystitis., D. E. Weiland, D. M. Caruso, A. Kassir, R. C. Bay, and J. M. Malone

How managed care may choose hospitals for contracts for laparoscopic cholecystectomy., D. E. Weiland, D. M. Caruso, D. E. Wesche, and R. C. Bay

Submissions from 1996

Hemodynamic and oxygen transport monitoring in management of burns, W. R. Schiller and R. C. Bay

Submissions from 1995

Withdrawal and extended leave during residency training: Results of a national survey, De Witt C. Baldwin, Beverley Davies Rowley, Steven R. Daugherty, and R. Curtis Bay

Domestic violence: An educational imperative?, Linda R. Chambliss, R. Curtis Bay, and Richard F. Jones

Is academic managed care an oxymoron?, Dennis E. Weiland, James M. Malone, Curtis Bay, and Robin Garren

Submissions from 1993

A Longitudinal Study of Noncustodial Parents: Parents Without Children, Sanford L. Braver, Sharlene A. Wolchik, Irwin N. Sandler, Virgil L. Sheets, Bruce Fogas, and R. Curtis Bay

Submissions from 1992


Submissions from 1990

Diabetes self-care goals and their relation to children's metabolic control, Paul Karoly and R. Curtis Bay