An Infographic Assignment to Translate Knowledge of Research Evidence for the Doctoral of Physical Therapy Classroom A Case Report

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Journal of Allied Health


AIMS: The purpose of this report was to describe an example of how to incorporate infographics as a group assignment in the entry-level physical therapy classroom to integrate course content and translate knowledge of research evidence. METHODS: This was a retrospective case report. Students developed their own infographics as a group assignment to present in the classroom. During course orientation and at the end of the course, students were asked to complete an optional survey about infographics. RESULTS: Fifty students completed the survey. All students (n=50) reported that they were attracted to visual information, and 74% (n=37) had used an infographic as an educational/informative tool. 74% (n=37) completed the post-intervention survey and found infographics valuable in reviewing course content. 95% (n=35) would consider using infographics as a learning and knowledge translation (KT) tool in the future. CONCLUSION: These data validated students’ interest in visual information and awareness about the use of infographics as an educational/informative tool. Health care educators may use innovative KT strategies, such as infographics, in the classroom to encourage students to develop competency in KT and dissemination of information. J Allied Health 2023; 52(4):e207–e212.

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