Management of Unilateral Impacted Maxillary Permanent Canine: A Case Report

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Open Dentistry Journal


Introduction: The management of maxillary canine is very complex because it must be carefully planned and carried out as a team. The handling of impacted canine cases must be seen from a clinical and radiological point of view. Maxillary canine impaction can be caused by a lack of space or inadequate seed placement. The time to treat canine impaction is usually between the ages of 11 and 14. Objective: The aim of this case report was to describe the management of an impacted maxillary left canine of a teenage girl. Successful treatment requires complete diagnostics, such as radiographs, good teamwork, and precise treatment planning of the dental team. Case Report: An 11-year-old female patient with class I molar relationship, bimaxillary protrusive, and impacted left upper canine visited the clinic for orthodontic treatment. Extraction of four first premolars (bicuspids) was carried out, and exposure by the periodontist was completed on the maxillary left canine for the installation of a traction device (gold chain traction). Conclusion: The appropriate timing, treatment plan, and proper surgical exposure preparation in handling this case produced optimal and ideal results.



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