The Other Side of Endodontics: Vital Pulp Therapy on Mature Permanent Teeth
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Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry
Vital pulp therapy (VPT) was once a treatment modality that was only considered for immature permanent teeth to allow for the continued development of the radicular system if the pulp was vital. With the advent of bioceramics and bioactive materials such as calcium silicate cements, the applications for VPT have greatly increased, giving dentists a treatment option other than nonsurgical root canal therapy (RCT) for mature teeth previously diagnosed to have an irreversible pulpitis. This approach can serve as a less invasive, simpler procedure than RCT while allowing for the preservation of natural tooth structure. It also may be a more amenable treatment alternative for patients than RCT. This article outlines and reviews the protocol for VPT with pulp exposure.
When talking with restorative dentists and patients, endodontists may often hear statements such as, "If I need a root canal, take the tooth out." Sometimes if the dentist wants to refer to the endodontist, the patient may not want to go to an endodontist and insist that the dentist either do the work necessary or take out the tooth. Patients also may consider root canals too costly, or that they do not work for various reasons. In some of these circumstances there may be another solution. Applying the principles and protocol used for successful vital pulp therapy (VPT) in immature permanent teeth to mature permanent teeth with irreversible pulpitis may be the answer to some of these predicaments.
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Leibow WB, Springer L. The other side of endodontics: vital pulp therapy on mature permanent teeth. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2024;45(6):e1-e4.
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Leibow WB, Springer L. The other side of endodontics: vital pulp therapy on mature permanent teeth. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2024;45(6):e1-e4.