Most Recent Additions*


Effect of a new support design on the marginal and internal gap of additively manufactured interim crowns using direct light deposition technology
Leila Nasiry Khanlar, Claire Francis, Abdul Basir Barmak, Alma L. Salazar Rios, Reza Eftekhar Ashtiani, and Amirali Zandinejad


Do bioactive materials show greater retention rates in restoring permanent teeth than non-bioactive materials? A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Juliana Benace Fernandes, Sheila Mondragon Contreras, Manuela da Silva Spinola, Graziela Ribeiro Batista, Eduardo Bresciani, and Taciana Marco Ferraz Caneppele


Minimally invasive periodontal regeneration with the buccal approach: a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical studies
Elisa Pasqualini, Filipe Castro, Denise Cuarado, Ana Martelete, Artak Heboyan, Muhammad H. Saleh, Juliana Campos Hasse Fernandes, and Gustavo Vicentis Oliveira Fernandes


Clinical and histomorphometric soft tissue assessment comparing free gingival graft and a collagen matrix as alveolar-sealer materials: a randomized controlled pilot clinical trial
Silvia Helena Maffei, Gustavo Vicentis Oliveira Fernandes, Juliana Campos Hasse Fernandes, Cassio Orth, and Julio Cesar Joly


Use of Local Melatonin with Xenogeneic Bone Graft to Treat Critical-Size Bone Defects in Rats with Osteoporosis: A Randomized Study
Karen Laurene Dalla Costa, Leticia Furtado Abreu, Camila Barreto Tolomei, Rachel Gomes Eluterio, Rosanna Basting, Gabriela Balbiont, Fabricio Mezzomo Collares, Pedro Lopes, Nelio Veiga, Gustavo Vicentis Oliveira Fernandes, and Daiane Cristina Peruzzo


Critical-size defects reconstruction with four different bone grafts associated with e-PTFE membrane: A histomorphometric experimental in vivo study
Gustavo Vicentis Oliveira Fernandes, Filipe Castro, Rafael Martins Pereira, Wendel Teixeira, Sergio Gehrke, Julio Cesar Joly, and Juan Blanco Carrion


Histological Assessment of Bone Regeneration in the Maxilla with Homologous Bone Graft: A Feasible Option for Maxillary Bone Reconstruction
Sergio Henrique Goncalves Motta, Ana Paila Ramos Soares, Juliana Campos Hasse Fernandes, and Gustavo Vicentis Oliveira Fernandes


The Impact of Technology Teaching in the Dental Predoctoral Curriculum on Students’ Perception of Digital Dentistry
Leonardo M. Nassani, Sompop Bencharit, Fernanda Schumacher, Wei-En Lu, Rodrigo Resende, and Gustavo Vicentis Oliveira Fernandes


Evaluating Glass Ionomer Cement Longevity in the Primary and Permanent Teeth—An Umbrella Review
Alessandro Panetta, Pedro Lopes, Tatiane Fernandes Novaes, Rute Rio, Gustavo Vicentis Oliveira Fernandes, and Anna Carolina Volpi Mello-Moura


The Use of Tissue Grafts Associated with Immediate Implant Placement to Achieve Better Peri-Implant Stability and Efficacy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Enrico Maria Rondone, Bruno Leitao-Almeida, Miguel Silva Pereira, Gustavo Vicentis Oliveira Fernandes, and Tiago Borges


Full-ceramic resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses: A systematic review
Sereh Habibzadeh, Faranak Khamisi, Sayed Ali Mosaddad, Gustavo Vicentis Oliveira Fernandes, and Artak Heboyan


Fibroblasts and osteoblasts behavior after contact with different titanium surfaces used as implant abutment: An in vitro experimental study
Jose Henrique Cavlcanti de Lima, Patricia Cristina Matos Robbs, Elena Mavropoulos Oliveira Tude, Piedad N de Aza, Eleani Maria de Costa, Antonio Scarano, Juan Carlos Prados-Frutos, and Sergio Alexandre Gehrke


Prophylactic Tranexamic Acid Prevents Postpartum Hemorrhage and Transfusions in Cesarean Deliveries: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Amy Lee, Mary Ying-Fang Wang, Debosree Roy, Jenny Wang, Abha Gokhale, Lauren Miranda-Cacdac, Moriah Kuntz, Bryan Grover, Kendra Gray, and Kathleen L. Curley

*Updated as of 03/28/25.